Who are we ?

With 25 years of experience in the field of diagnostic tests, AAZ is a French manufacturer behind the design, certification and launch of the first HIV self-test in 2015 in France. autotest VIH® is now available in tons of thousands of pharmacies in 17 European countries.

autotest VIH® was awarded a year ago with the PRIX GALIEN International.

Dr COULLOC’H, President of AAZ, was awarded in Dakar the highest distinction in pharmaceutical research in Biotechnology category.

In 2019, AAZ launched autotest GLUTEN® 2nd generation, the first self-test for gluten intolerance screening that follows the recommendations of French and European health authorities.

In January 2020, AAZ initiated the manufacture of TROD’ANGINE®, which in covered by social security and authorized by ministerial order to be used in French pharmacies to combat over-consumption of antibiotics.

Face with the health crisis, AAZ mobilized its resources and called upon its know-how to propose today several screening techniques for COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 immunization:
– Antigen test COVID-VIRO®
– Serologic test COVID-PRESTO®
– Autotest COVID-VIRO®
– Self-test / antigen test COVID-VIRO ALL IN®
– Antigen test COVID-VIRO ALL IN DUO®

AAZ tests and self-tests are produced by the TECH’AIR network of 12 ESAT*/EA** in the Paris region, which employs 400 people with disabilities in a bid to develop an inclusive national economy.
*ESAT: Etablissement et Service d’Aide par le Travail (Establishment and Service for Help through Work)
**EA : Entreprise Adaptée (Adapted company)